역대 학술대회

번호 명칭 수상자 수상논문 수상시기
1 으뜸상 한승호 Digital Compression of the Origin of the Nasal Branch of the Ophthalmic Artery During Filler Augmentation: A Review of the Anatomical Literature and an Analysis of Plastinated Specimens 2024.09.08
2 빛날상 오지원 Pre-courses for Young Anatomists, Basic of Post-Mortem Lineage Tracing based on Whole Genome Sequencing by Clonal Expansion/Laser Capture Microdissection 2024.09.08
3 빛날상 이동민 A single-component, light-assisted uncaging switch for endoproteolytic release 2024.09.08
4 우수연제발표상(구연) 김유영 Exploring Sexual Dimorphism in Pubic Symphyseal Surface: Utilization of Three-Dimensional Statistical Shape Modeling 2024.09.08
5 우수연제발표상(구연) 박소현 The Morphological and Quantitative Analysis of Individual Footprints of the Common Extensor Origin of the Elbow 2024.09.08
6 우수연제발표상(전시) 김디귿 The Establishment of New Anatomical Classification for Tibialis Posterior Tendon Insertion in Koreans : A Cadaveric Study 2024.09.08
7 우수연제발표상(전시) 박은서 Foramen Magnum and Occipital Condyle Analysis for Sex and Stature Determination 2024.09.08
8 우수연제발표상(전시) 김도균 Morphological Heterogeneity of CNS Border-Associated Macrophages after Photothrombotic Stroke 2024.09.08
9 우수연제발표상(전시) 안형석 Intermittent Fasting Attenuates Neuroinflammation and Cognitive Impairment in High-Fat Diet-Fed Diabetic Mice 2024.09.08
10 우수연제발표상(전시) 김보라 Jagged1 Missense Mutation Unleashes Innate Immune Cell Dysregulation 2024.09.08
11 우수연제발표상(전시) Van-Thanh DOUNG(즈엉반탄) Recycling Machinery of Integrin Coupled with Focal Adhesion Turnover via RAB11-UNC13D-FAK Axis for Migration of Pancreatic Cancer Cells 2024.09.08
12 우수연제발표상(전시) Hien DUONG THANH(히엔) Promotion of Glioblastoma Invasion in Temozolomide-Resistant Cells 2024.09.08
13 우수연제발표상(전시) Anish Ashok ADPAIKAR(아니쉬아드파이카) Epithelial Plasticity Enables Taste Receptor Cell Regeneration following Lgr5+ Stem/Progenitor Cell Loss 2024.09.08
14 우수연제발표상(전시) Juan JIN(김연) The Inhibitory Effect of Chaenomeles Sinensis Extract on Ovalbumin-Induced Allergic Rhinitis 2024.09.08
15 우수연제발표상(전시) 송수진 Iron Overload May Promote Amyloid Beta Aggregation in the Aging Mice Brains 2024.09.08
16 우수연제발표상(전시) 권영도 Advancing Stem Cell-Based Therapy for Lung Cancer Brain Metastasis: Targeting CES1 and sTRAIL through Wharton"s Jelly-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells 2024.09.08
17 우수연제발표상(전시) 허혜원 Development Process of a Silicone Facial Model using Korean Average Soft Tissue Data for Clinical Simulation 2024.09.08
18 우수연제발표상(전시) 이은진 Tumor Restriction Hyperthermia in Cancer Treatment using MPI(Magnetic Particle Imaging) 2024.09.08